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The Rain Forgotten

Pearl drops lined up
In electric swings
To bead some unending chains
while the city took a shower.
I felt like penning!
Beneath the net sills
I sat on the floor cushion
and stretched out to the red rug.
Rain spattered my nose ridge
With unkind love.
I reclined to pen
and to take in the dust soaked
scent that rain brings home.
On the metal sheets the hammerings
brought in asymmetric a
metre in  jarring notes.
I traced it's silhouette
a silly squirrel jamming
on my roof ,who stood displeased
and shifted the slimy slopes.
I felt like penning!
But with a lit cigarette
he jutted out,
My unknown neighbour
from the unnamed house.
For me to replace my neckline
and to shield his sight,
I half-closed the door
and lost the moment.
It was raining.
Failed to fetch some over-phrased word,
I wrapped it for the next day
to title it anything
unmindful of that rain.


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