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My life is an Oxymoron

 My life is an oxymoron.

For a short tempered, excited 

shy and introverted child,

childhood was an oxymoron.

I had dethroned musical chairs

Served guests with kitchen playkits

But, to find a best friend

I was too ignorant.

I had found one

when I was eighteen .

To that curly haired

cotton candy inked in

pink and blue.

To that poetry hour I had bunked

for those contact lenses

to fetch few drops of lens soak.

To your empty hostel tiffin box

and my double loaded one,

I bid farewell today.

My verses , my romances

my tears , my politics

they called them insane

which I least cared for. 

But, to my shock

I saw you chuckling by my side.

I saw you being withered

on their cheesy bullied pizza.

You being their topping

I being their green tea, I left .

But, I fail at forgetting 

your love toasts and lemonade

you had fed me when I saw

my grandmother dying.

I dream in reality 

I live in poetry.

That's all you never knew

That's all I pen.


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